

  1. Golomb R., Dahan O., Dahary D. & Pilpel Y. (2025) Trends in Genetics. 41, 1, p. 12-22  Abstract


  1. Shoer S., Reicher L., Zhao C., Pollard K. S., Pilpel Y. & Segal E. (2024) Cell Host and Microbe. 32, 10, p. 1744-1757.e2  Abstract
  2. Rajan K. S., Aryal S., Hiregange D. G., Bashan A., Madmoni H., Olami M., Doniger T., Cohen-Chalamish S., Pescher P., Taoka M., Nobe Y., Fedorenko A., Bose T., Zimermann E., Prina E., Aharon-Hefetz N., Pilpel Y., Isobe T., Unger R., Späth G. F., Yonath A. & Michaeli S. (2024) Cell Reports. 43, 5, 114203.  Abstract
  3. Sekeresova Kralova J., Donic C., Dassa B., Livyatan I., Jansen P. M., Ben-Dor S., Fidel L., Trzebanski S., Narunsky-Haziza L., Asraf O., Brenner O., Dafni H., Jona G., Boura-Halfon S., Stettner N., Segal E., Brunke S., Pilpel Y., Straussman R., Zeevi D., Bacher P., Hube B., Shlezinger N. & Jung S. (2024) Journal of Experimental Medicine. 221, 5, e20231686.  Abstract
  4. Lobinska G., Tretyachenko V., Dahan O., Nowak M. A. & Pilpel Y. (2024) PLoS Biology. 22, 3, e3002570.  Abstract
  5. Kohanovski I., Pontz M., Zande P. V., Selmecki A., Dahan O., Pilpel Y., Yona A. H. & Ram Y. (2024) Molecular Biology and Evolution. 41, 3, msae052.  Abstract


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    Lobinska G., Pilpel Y. & Ram Y. (2023) Genetics. 225, 1, iyad111.  Abstract
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    Shoer S., Shilo S., Godneva A., Ben-Yacov O., Rein M., Wolf B. C., Lotan-Pompan M., Bar N., Weiss E. I., Houri-Haddad Y., Pilpel Y., Weinberger A. & Segal E. (2023) Nature Communications. 14, 1, 5384.  Abstract
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    Lobinska G., Pilpel Y. & Nowak M. A. (2023) PLoS Biology. 21, 8 August, e3002214.  Abstract


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    Narunsky-Haziza L., Sepich-Poore G. D., Livyatan I., Asraf O., Martino C., Nejman D., Gavert N., Stajich J. E., Amit G., González A., Wandro S., Perry G., Ariel R., Meltser A., Shaffer J. P., Zhu Q., Balint-Lahat N., Barshack I., Dadiani M., Gal-Yam E. N., Patel S. P., Bashan A., Swafford A. D., Pilpel Y., Knight R. & Straussman R. (2022) Cell. 185, 20, p. 3789-3806  Abstract
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    Gabzi T., Pilpel Y. & Friedlander T. (2022) Molecular Biology and Evolution. 39, 9, msac178.  Abstract
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    Zhang X., Lobinska G., Feldman M., Dekel E., Nowak M. A., Pilpel Y., Pauzner Y., Barzel B. & Pauzner A. (2022) PLoS Computational Biology. 18, 8, e1010391.  Abstract
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    Rajan K. S., Adler K., Doniger T., Cohen-Chalamish S., Aharon-Hefetz N., Aryal S., Pilpel Y., Tschudi C., Unger R. & Michaeli S. (2022) The journal of Biological chemistry. 298, 7, 102141.  Abstract
  5. Lobinska G., Pauzner A., Traulsen A., Pilpel Y. & Nowak M. (2022) Nature Human Behaviour. 6, 2, p. 193-206  Abstract
  6. Pilpel Y. (2022) Default journal. p. 1-6  Abstract


  1. Jacob Berger A., Gigi E., Kupershmidt L., Meir Z., Gavert N., Zwang Y., Prior A., Gilad S., Harush U., Haviv I., Stemmer S. M., Blum G., Merquiol E., Mardamshina M., Kaminski Strauss S., Friedlander G., Bar J., Kamer I., Reizel Y., Geiger T., Pilpel Y., Levin Y., Tanay A., Barzel B., Reuveni H. & Straussman R. (2021) Nature Cancer. 2, 10, p. 1055-1070  Abstract
  2. Rak R., Polonsky M., Eizenberg-Magar I., Mo Y., Sakaguchi Y., Mizrahi O., Nachshon A., Reich-Zeliger S., Stern-Ginossar N., Dahan O., Suzuki T., Friedman N. & Pilpel Y. (2021) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS. 118, 42, e210655611.  Abstract
  3. Schirman D., Yakhini Z., Pilpel Y. & Dahan O. (2021) PLoS Genetics. 17, 9, e1009805.  Abstract


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    Aharon-Hefetz N., Frumkin I., Mayshar Y., Dahan O., Pilpel Y. & Rak R. (2020) eLife. 9, e58461.  Abstract
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    Slomka S., Françoise I., Hornung G., Asraf O., Biniashvili T., Pilpel Y. & Dahan O. (2020) Genetics. 216, 2, p. 543-558  Abstract
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    Mikl M., Pilpel Y. & Segal E. (2020) Nature Communications. 11, 1, 3061.  Abstract


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    Mikl M., Hamburg A., Pilpel Y. & Segal E. (2019) Nature Communications. 10, 1, 4572.  Abstract
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    Mordret E., Dahan O., Asraf O., Rak R., Yehonadav A., Barnabas G. D., Cox J., Geiger T., Lindner A. B. & Pilpel Y. (2019) Molecular Cell. 75, 3, p. 427-441.e5  Abstract
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    Frumkin I., Yofe I., Bar-Ziv R., Gurvich Y., Lu Y., Voichek Y., Towers R., Schirman D., Krebber H. & Pilpel Y. (2019) PLoS Biology. 17, 8, e3000423.  Abstract
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    Cohen-Zontag O., Baez C., Lim L. Q. J., Olender T., Schirman D., Dahary D., Pilpel Y. & Gerst J. E. (2019) PLoS Genetics. 15, 7, e1008248.  Abstract
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    Dahan, O., Dorfman, B-S., Sayin, S., Rosener, B., Hua, T., Yarden, A. & Mitchell, A. (2019) PLoS Biology. 17, 6,  Abstract
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    Kaminski Strauss S., Schirman D., Jona G., Brooks A. N., Kunjapur A. M., Ba A. N. N., Flint A., Solt A., Mershin A., Dixit A., Yona A. H., Csorgo B., Busby B. P., Hennig B. P., Pal C., Schraivogel D., Schultz D., Wernick D. G., Agashe D., Levi D., Zabezhinsky D., Russ D., Sass E., Tamar E., Herz E., Levy E. D., Church G. M., Yelin I., Nachman I., Gerst J. E., Georgeson J. M., Adamala K. P., Steinmetz L. M., Ruebsam M., Ralser M., Klutstein M., Desai M. M., Walunjkar N., Yin N., Hefetz N. A., Jakimo N., Snitser O., Adini O., Kumar P., Smith R. S. H., Zeidan R., Hazan R., Rak R., Kishony R., Johnson S., Nouriel S., Vonesch S. C., Foster S., Dagan T., Wein T., Karydis T., Wannier T. M., Stiles T., Olin-Sandoval V., Mueller W. F., Bar-On Y. M., Dahan O. & Pilpel Y. (2019) PLoS Biology. 17, 3, e3000182.  Abstract
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    Zviran A., Mor N., Rais Y., Gingold H., Peles S., Chomsky E., Viukov S., Buenrostro J. D., Scognamiglio R., Weinberger L., Manor Y. S., Krupalnik V., Zerbib M., Hezroni H., Jaitin D. A., Larastiaso D., Gilad S., Benjamin S., Gafni O., Mousa A., Ayyash M., Sheban D., Bayerl J., Aguilera-Castrejon A., Massarwa R., Maza I., Hanna S., Stelzer Y., Ulitsky I., Greenleaf W. J., Tanay A., Trumpp A., Amit I., Pilpel Y., Novershtern N. & Hanna J. H. (2019) Cell Stem Cell. 24, 2, p. 328-341.e9  Abstract


  1. Rak R., Dahan O. & Pilpel Y. (2018) Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology. 34, p. 239-264  Abstract
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    Bar-Yaacov D., Pilpel Y. & Dahan O. (2018) RNA Biology. 15, 7, p. 863-867  Abstract
  3. Schirman D., Frumkin I. & Pilpel Y. (2018) Oncotarget. 9, 46, p. 27909-27910  Abstract
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    Frumkin I., Lajoie M. J., Gregg C. J., Hornung G., Church G. M. & Pilpel Y. (2018) Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America-Biological Sciences. 115, 21, p. E4940-E4949  Abstract
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    Slomka S. & Pilpel Y. (2018) Cell. 172, 3, p. 391-392  Abstract


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    Bar-Yaacov D., Mordret E., Towers R., Biniashvili T., Soyris C., Schwartz S., Dahan O. & Pilpel Y. (2017) Genome Research. 27, 10, p. 1696-1703  Abstract
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    Heinemann M. & Pilpel Y. (2017) Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 46, p. iv-v  Abstract
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    Frumkin I., Schirman D., Rotman A., Li F., Zahavi L., Mordret E., Asraf O., Wu S., Levy S. F. & Pilpel Y. (2017) Molecular Cell. 65, 1, p. 142-153  Abstract


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    Bar-Yaacov D., Frumkin I., Yashiro Y., Chujo T., Ishigami Y., Chemla Y., Blumberg A., Schlesinger O., Bieri P., Greber B., Ban N., Zarivach R., Alfonta L., Pilpel Y., Suzuki T. & Mishmar D. (2016) PLoS Biology. 14, 9, e1002557.  Abstract
  2. Sagi D., Rak R., Gingold H., Adir I., Maayan G., Dahan O., Broday L., Pilpel Y. & Rechavi O. (2016) PLoS Genetics. 12, 8, e1006264.  Abstract
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    Tamari Z., Yona A. H., Pilpel Y. & Barkai N. (2016) BMC Genomics. 17, 1, 674.  Abstract
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    Karmon A. & Pilpel Y. (2016) eLife. 5, APRIL2016, e14424.  Abstract
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    Hoffman Y., Bublik D. R., Ugalde A. P., Elkon R., Biniashvili T., Agami R., Oren M. & Pilpel Y. (2016) PLoS Genetics. 12, 2, e1005879.  Abstract


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    Yona A. H., Frumkin I. & Pilpel Y. (2015) Cell. 163, 3, p. 549-559  Abstract
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    Pilpel Y. & Rechavi O. (2015) Biology Direct. 10, 1, 34.  Abstract
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    Hoffman Y. & Pilpel Y. (2015) Science. 348, 6230, p. 41-42  Abstract


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    Fluman N., Navon S., Bibi E. & Pilpel Y. (2014) eLife. 3, August2014, p. 1-19 03440.  Abstract
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    Hoffman Y., Pilpel Y. & Oren M. (2014) Journal of Molecular Cell Biology. 6, 3, p. 192-197  Abstract
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    Minis A., Dahary D., Manor O., Leshkowitz D., Pilpel Y. & Yaron A. (2014) Developmental Neurobiology. 74, 3, p. 365-381  Abstract
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    Hoffman Y., Bublik D. R., Pilpel Y. & Oren M. (2014) Cell Death and Differentiation. 21, 2, p. 302-309  Abstract
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    Bloom-Ackermann Z., Navon S., Gingold H., Towers R., Pilpel Y. & Dahan O. (2014) PLoS Genetics. 10, 1, e1004084.  Abstract
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    Gingold H., Tehler D., Christoffersen N., Nielsen M., Asmar F., Kooistra S., Christophersen N., Christensen L., Borre M., Sorensen K., Andersen L., Andersen C., Hulleman E., Wurdinger T., Ralfkiaer E., Helin K., Gronbaek K., Omtoft T., Waszak S., Dahan O., Pedersen J., Lund A. & Pilpel Y. (2014) Cell. 158, 6, p. 1281-1292  Abstract


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    Yona A. H., Bloom-Ackermann Z., Frumkin I., Hanson-Smith V., Charpak-Amikam Y., Feng Q., Boeke J. D., Dahan O. & Pilpel Y. (2013) eLife. 2013, 2, e01339.  Abstract
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    Hoffman Y., Dahary D., Bublik D. R., Oren M. & Pilpel Y. (2013) Bioinformatics. 29, 7, p. 894-902  Abstract
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    Shalem O., Carey L., Zeevi D., Sharon E., Keren L., Weinberger A., Dahan O., Pilpel Y. & Segal E. (2013) PLoS Computational Biology. 9, 3, e1002934.  Abstract


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    Yona A. H., Manor Y. S., Herbst R. H., Romano G. H., Mitchell A., Kupiec M., Pilpel Y. & Dahan O. (2012) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109, 51, p. 21010-21015  Abstract
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    Gingold H., Dahan O. & Pilpel Y. (2012) Nucleic Acids Research. 40, 20, p. 10053-10063  Abstract
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    Salari R., Wojtowicz D., Zheng J., Levens D., Pilpel Y. & Przytycka T. M. (2012) PLoS Computational Biology. 8, 8, e1002644.  Abstract
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    Ben-Yaakov K., Dagan S. Y., Segal-Ruder Y., Shalem O., Vuppalanchi D., Willis D. E., Yudin D., Rishal I., Rother F., Bader M., Blesch A., Pilpel Y., Twiss J. L. & Fainzilber M. (2012) EMBO Journal. 31, 6, p. 1350-1363  Abstract


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    Shalem O., Groisman B., Choder M., Dahan O. & Pilpel Y. (2011) PLoS Genetics. 7, 9, e1002273.  Abstract
  2. Dahan O., Gingold H. & Pilpel Y. (2011) Trends in Genetics. 27, 8, p. 316-322  Abstract
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    Limor-Waisberg K., Carmi A., Scherz A., Pilpel Y. & Furman I. (2011) Nucleic Acids Research. 39, 14, p. 6016-6028  Abstract
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    Pilpel Y. (2011) Yeast Systems Biology. p. 407-425  Abstract
  5. Dahary D., Shalgi R. & Pilpel Y. (2011) Molecular Biology and Evolution. 28, 5, p. 1545-1551  Abstract
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    Mitchell A. & Pilpel Y. (2011) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108, 17, p. 7271-7276  Abstract
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    Navon S. & Pilpel Y. (2011) GENOME BIOLOGY. 12, 2, R12.  Abstract
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    Gingold H. & Pilpel Y. (2011) Molecular Systems Biology. 7, 481.  Abstract


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    Michaelevski I., Segal-Ruder Y., Rozenbaum M., Medzihradszky K. F., Shalem O., Coppola G., Horn-Saban S., Ben-Yaakov K., Dagan S. Y., Rishal I., Geschwind D. H., Pilpel Y., Burlingame A. L. & Fainzilber M. (2010) Science Signaling. 3, 130, p. ra53  Abstract
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    Avraham R., Sas-Chen A., Manor O., Steinfeld I., Shalgi R., Tarcic G., Bossel N., Zeisel A., Amit I., Zwang Y., Enerly E., Russnes H. G., Biagioni F., Mottolese M., Strano S., Blandino G., Borresen-Dale A., Pilpel Y. & Yakhini Z. (2010) Science Signaling. 3, 124, p. ra43  Abstract
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    Shalgi R., Pilpel Y. & Oren M. (2010) Trends in Genetics. 26, 6, p. 253-259  Abstract
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    Shen-Orr S. S., Pilpel Y. & Hunter C. P. (2010) GENOME BIOLOGY. 11, 6, R58.  Abstract
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    Tuller T., Carmi A., Vestsigian K., Navon S., Dorfan Y., Zaborske J., Pan T., Dahan O., Furman I. & Pilpel Y. (2010) Cell. 141, 2, p. 344-354  Abstract
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    Martinez M. R., Soriano J., Tlusty T., Pilpel Y. & Furman I. (2010) Physical Review E. 81, 3, 031924.  Abstract
  7. Christoffersen N. R., Shalgi R., Frankel L. B., Leucci E., Lees M., Klausen M., Pilpel Y., Nielsen F. C., Oren M. & Lund A. H. (2010) Cell Death and Differentiation. 17, 2, p. 236-245  Abstract


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    Coupling transcriptional and post-transcriptional miRNA regulation in the control of cell fate
    Shalgi R., Brosh R., Oren M., Pilpel Y. & Rotter V. (2009) AGING-US. 1, 9, p. 762-770  Abstract
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    Kam N., Pilpel Y. & Fainzilber M. (2009) PLoS Computational Biology. 5, 8, e1000477.  Abstract
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    Mitchell A., Romano G. H., Groisman B., Yona A., Dekel E., Kupiec M., Dahan O. & Pilpel Y. (2009) Nature. 460, 7252, p. 220-224  Abstract



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    Kafri R., Springer M. & Pilpel Y. (2009) Cell. 136, 3, p. 389-392  Abstract


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    Michal L., Mizrahi-Man O. & Pilpel Y. (2008) PLoS Genetics. 4, 3, e1000018.  Abstract
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    Shalem O., Dahan O., Levo M., Martinez M. R., Furman I., Segal E. & Pilpel Y. (2008) Molecular Systems Biology. 4, 4.  Abstract
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    Brosh R., Shalgi R., Liran A., Landan G., Korotayev K., Nguyen G. H., Enerly E., Johnsen H., Buganim Y., Solomon H., Goldstein I., Madar S., Goldfinger N., Brresen-Dale A., Ginsberg D., Harris C. C., Pilpel Y., Oren M. & Rotter V. (2008) Molecular Systems Biology. 4, 229.  Abstract
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    Kafri R., Dahan O., Levy J. & Pilpel Y. (2008) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105, 4, p. 1243-1248  Abstract


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    Segal L., Lapidot M., Solan Z., Ruppin E., Pilpel Y. & Horn D. (2007) Bioinformatics. 23, 13, p. i440-i449  Abstract
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    Shalgi R., Lieber D., Oren M. & Pilpel Y. (2007) PLoS Computational Biology. 3, 7, p. 1291-1304  Abstract
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    Man O. & Pilpel Y. (2007) Nature Genetics. 39, 3, p. 415-421  Abstract
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    Characterization of the effects of TF binding site variations on gene expression towards predicting the functional outcomes of regulatory SNPs
    Lapidot M. & Pilpel Y. (2007) Systems Biology And Regulatory Genomics. 4023, p. 51-61  Abstract
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    Examination of the tRNA adaptation index as a predictor of protein expression levels
    Man O., Sussman J. & Pilpel Y. (2007) Systems Biology And Regulatory Genomics. 4023, p. 107-118  Abstract


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    Lapidot M. & Pilpel Y. (2006) EMBO Reports. 7, 12, p. 1216-1222  Abstract
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    Kafri R., Levy M. & Pilpel Y. (2006) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103, 31, p. 11653-11658  Abstract
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    Bar-Even A., Paulsson J., Maheshri N., Carmi M., O'Shea E., Pilpel Y. & Barkai N. (2006) Nature Genetics. 38, 6, p. 636-643  Abstract
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    Furman I. & Pilpel Y. (2006) Molecular Systems Biology. 2, 2006.0030.  Abstract
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    Xi Y., Shalgi R., Fodstad O., Pilpel Y. & Ju J. (2006) Clinical Cancer Research. 12, 7 I, p. 2014-2024  Abstract


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    Sigal N., Vardy E., Molshanski-Mor S., Eitan A., Pilpel Y., Schuldiner S. & Bibi E. (2005) Biochemistry. 44, 45, p. 14870-14880  Abstract
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    Garten Y., Kaplan S. & Pilpel Y. (2005) Nucleic Acids Research. 33, 2, p. 605-615  Abstract
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    Shalgi R., Lapidot M., Shamir R. & Pilpel Y. (2005) GENOME BIOLOGY. 6, 10, p. R86  Abstract
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    Kafri R., Bar-Even A. & Pilpel Y. (2005) Nature Genetics. 37, 3, p. 295-299  Abstract
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    Tabach Y., Milyavsky M., Shats I., Brosh R., Zuk O., Yitzhaky A., Mantovani R., Domany E., Rotter V. & Pilpel Y. (2005) Molecular Systems Biology. 1, p. 2005.0022  Abstract


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    Lapidot M. & Pilpel Y. (2003) Nucleic Acids Research. 31, 13, p. 3824-3828  Abstract


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    Sudarsanam P., Pilpel Y. & Church G. M. (2002) Genome Research. 12, 11, p. 1723-31  Abstract
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    Cohen B. A., Pilpel Y., Mitra R. D. & Church G. M. (2002) Molecular Biology of the Cell. 13, 5, p. 1608-14  Abstract
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    Zhu Z., Pilpel Y. & Church G. (2002) Journal of Molecular Biology. 318, 1, p. 71-81  Abstract


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    Pilpel Y., Sudarsanam P. & Church G. M. (2001) Nature Genetics. 29, 2, p. 153-9  Abstract
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    Lapidot M., Pilpel Y., Gilad Y., Falcovitz A., Sharon D., Haaf T. & Lancet D. (2001) Genomics. 71, 3, p. 296-306  Abstract
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    Fuchs T., Glusman G., Horn-Saban S., Lancet D. & Pilpel Y. (2001) Human Genetics. 108, 1, p. 1-13  Abstract


  1. Conticello S. G., Pilpel Y., Glusman G. & Fainzilber M. (2000) Trends in Genetics. 16, 2, p. 57-59  Abstract
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    Glusman G., Bahar A., Sharon D., Pilpel Y., White J. & Lancet D. (2000) Mammalian Genome. 11, 11, p. 1016-1023  Abstract


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    Pilpel Y., Ben-Tal N. & Lancet D. (1999) Journal of Molecular Biology. 294, 4, p. 921-935  Abstract
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    Sharon D., Glusman G., Pilpel Y., Khen M., Gruetzner F., Haaf T. & Lancet D. (1999) Genomics. 61, 1, p. 24-36  Abstract
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    Pilpel Y. & Lancet D. (1999) Nature. 398, 6725, p. 285-287  Abstract
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    Pilpel Y. & Lancet D. (1999) Protein Science. 8, 5, p. 969-977  Abstract
  5. Segre D., Ben-Eli D., Pilpel Y., Kedem O. & Lancet D. (1999) Instruments, Methods, And Missions For Astrobiology Ii. 3755, p. 144-162  Abstract
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    Pilpel Y., Sosinsky A. & Lancet D. (1999) Molecular Biology of the Brain. p. 93-104  Abstract


  1. Segre D., Pilpel Y. & Lancet D. (1998) Physica A. 249, 4-Jan, p. 558-564  Abstract
  2. Segré D., Lancet D., Kedem O. & Pilpel Y. (1998) Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere. 28, 4-6, p. 501-514  Abstract
  3. Sharon D., Glusman G., Pilpel Y., Horn-Saban S. & Lancet D. (1998) Olfaction And Taste Xii: An International Symposium. 855, p. 182-193  Abstract


  1. Lancet D., Kedem O. & Pilpel Y. (1994) Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft/Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 98, 9, p. 1166-1169  Abstract