Group Members

Name | Degree | Thesis Title | Graduated |
Lian Narunsky Haziza | PhD | Pan-cancer characterization of the tumor mycobiome and its clinical effects | 2022 |
Jonathan Grozovski | MSc | In-silico investigation of translation errors, SARS-Cov-2 mutations; and their immunization potential | 2022 |
Ruthie Golomb | MSc | Studying evolutionary game dynamics through public good protein production | 2020 |
Tzahi Gabzi | MSc | Exploration of Rugged Fitness Landscapes Explains Wild Type's Sub Optimality |
2019 |
Alisa Greenberg | MSc | Systematic detection of cellular factors affecting translation accuracy upon physiological and genetic perturbations | 2019 |
Avia Yehonadav | MSc | Detection and Analysis of Translation Errors in E. Coli Upon Induction of Environmental Perturbations | 2018 |
Idan Frumkin | PhD | Evolutionary mechanisms of cellular machineries of the central dogma | 2018 |
Liron Zahavi | MSc | Intra-species genomic variability in the human gut microbiome and its association with host factors |
2018 |
Omer Asraf | MSC | Starvation to amino acids modifies the cost of gene expression in E. coli. | 2017 |
Noa Aharon- Hefetz | MSc | Regulation of mRNA decay kinetics in response to environmental stimuli | 2017 |
Itamar Françoise | MSc | Experimental evolution of horizontal gene transfer | 2016 |
Sivan Kaminski | MSc | Reverse Transcription as a potential molecular mechanism for Lamarckian evolution | 2015 |
Aviv Rotman | MSc | How do Cells Minimize the Cost of Translation? | 2015 |
Nir Fluman | Post Doc |
2014 |
Sivan Navon | PhD | Deciphering the codons’ code: Selection beyond amino acid sequence. |
2014 |
Hila Gingold | PhD |
Dynamic interplay between codon usage and the tRNA pool affects translation efficiency and may play a role in shaping the cell fate |
2013 |
Avihu Yona | PhD |
The role of genomic duplications in adaptive evolution |
2013 |
Zohar Bloom | PhD | Exploring the dynamics of the tRNA pool through systematic deletion of tRNA genes | 2013 |
Shalem Ophir | PhD | Post transcriptional regulation and its interaction with transcription revealed by genome-wide and synthetic gene approaches | 2012 |
Idan Frumkin | MSc | What are the mechanisms driving the evolution of tRNA multi-copy gene families? |
2012 |
Yishay Shoval | Post Doc | 2012 | |
Yair Manor | MSc | Genome-wide coupling of mRNA transcription and degradation, and promoter-mediated mRNA decay in two distant yeast species | 2012 |
Nitai Steinberg | MSc |
Bet-hedging in the evolutionarily-conditioned response of Escherichia coli towards sugars |
2012 |
Ilya Venger | PhD | Robustness of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to deletion mutations and response to environmental perturbations through the lens of large-scale metabolic | 2010 |
Amir Mitchell | PhD |
Adaptive environmental conditioning: Prediction of environmental changes by eukaryotic and prokaryotic micro-organisms |
2009 |
Reut Shalgi | PhD |
Coupling transcriptional and post-transcriptional miRNA regulation in the control of cell proliferation |
2009 |
Maria Rodriguez Martinez | Post Doc | 2009 | |
Asaf Carmi | MSc |
The evolution of coding sequences and tRNA pools, and its role in shaping translation efficiency |
2008 |
Naomi Siew | Post Doc | 2008 | |
Orna Man | PhD |
The involvement of regulation of protein expression in species divergence |
2007 |
Yuval Dorfan | PhD |
2007 |
Ophir Shalem | MSc | Regulation of mRNA decay kinetics in response to environmental stimuli | 2007 |
Michal Lapidot | PhD | Sequence elements controlling gene expression: The case of transcription regulatory motifs and of antisene transcripts
2007 |
Ron Kafri | PhD | Mechanisms and regulation of genetic buffering and the evolution of genetic redundancy | 2006 |
Arren Bar-Even | PhD | Noise in protein abundance obeys a general scaling law over multiple genes and growth conditions | 2005 |
Ilana Lavie | MSc | 2005 | |
Yael Kfir-Garten | MSc | Computational extraction and visualization of regulatory elements in the yeast transcriptional network from genome-wide data | 2005 |
Ilana Lavie | MSc | Identification of protein residues and amino-acid properties that determine binding specificity of G protein-coupled receptors |
2004 |